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O parte din tinerii de la Vianu premiati de NASA

Noutati despre sprijinul acordat elevilor premiati de NASA sa ajunga la Los Angeles
05/16/2014 - Update 5/16/2014Buna tuturor,M-am intors din Romania dupa o calatoria de 2 saptamani si cateva zile, si doresc sa va dau un update in legatura cu fondurile stranse pentru elevii de la Colegiul Tudor Vianu din Bucuresti pentru a-i ajuta sa vina
US Congress

Romanii din America scriu Congresului sa condamne invadarea Ucrainei de catre Rusia
03/06/2014 - Intr-o scrisoare adresata Congresmanului Ed Royce, presedintele Comisiei de Politica Externa din Congres, romanii-americani si-au exprimat "profunda ingrijorare fata de invadarea Ucrainei de catre soldati rusi" si au cerut Congresului "sa condamne pu
US State Department

State Department - 2013 Human Rights Report about Romania
03/04/2014 - State Department released on February 27, 2014, the 2013 Human Rights Report. The main human rights violations concerning Romania include:- Government corruption remained a widespread problem that affected all sections of society.- Continued attempts
John Kerry - Secretary of State

Over 10,000 Romanians signed an on-line petition to Secretary of State John Kerry to support the fight against corruption in Romania
02/21/2014 - Over 10,000 Romanians from across the globe signed an on-line petition asking Secretary of State Kerry to put more pressure on the Romanian Government to respect the rule of law and to fight corruption in the country.Romanian Greek-Catholic Associati
Deputatul Gheorghe Coman (PC), prins de DNA in timp ce lua mita

Romanian-Americans write to the head of Romanian Chamber of Deputies to wave the parliamentarian immunity of a corrupt Deputy
12/20/2013 - The following letter was sent to Valeriu Zgonea, the head of the Romanian Chamber of Deputies, urging him to put for vote the lifting of the parliamentarian immunity of a corrupt Deputy that was caught taking a bribe.This letter comes after, on Decem
Romanian Prim-minister Victor Ponta

Romanian Americans express support for the American Embassy in Romania - Open letter to Romanian Prime-minister Victor Ponta
12/17/2013 - After the members of the Romanian Parliament voted on December 10, 2013, to have super-immunity, becoming nearly impossible for authorities to investigate them for corruption, the US Embassy to Romania called the vote a "step backward for Roman
Presedintele Romaniei Traian Basescu cu Vicepresedintele American Joe Biden

Vicepresedintele American Joe Biden l-a sunat pe Presedintele Traian Basescu pentru a discuta despre statul de drept in Romania
02/13/2014 - "Intr-o convorbire telefonica pe care a avut-o azi cu presedintele roman Traian Basescu, Vicepresedintele Biden a discutat chestiuni privind evolutiile in regiune si si-a exprimat aprecierea pentru contributiile permanente ale Romaniei la misiunile N
Ambasadorul Iulian Buga - intalnire cu romanii-americani din zona Los Angeles

Ambasadorul Romaniei in Statele Unite Iulian Buga s-a intalnit cu romanii din Los Angeles
01/31/2014 - Noul Ambasador al Romaniei in Statele Unite, Excelenta Sa Domnul Iulian Buga, s-a intalnit pe data de 26 ianuarie 2014 cu reprezentanti ai romanilor din zona Los Angeles in cadrul unui eveniment organizat de Societatea Viitorul Roman.Evenimentu
Romani in Spania

Cel mai mare grup de pe Facebook cu romani din Spania se raliaza initiativei romanilor pentru combaterea coruptiei
01/16/2014 - Grupul de pe Facebook "Romani in Spania (Rumanos en España)" care are peste 12.000 de membri a anuntat oficial pe data de 16 ianuarie ca se alatura initiativei romanilor pentru combaterea coruptiei."Multi dintre noi am fost nevoiti sa parasim Roman

Illinois Romanian-American Community se alatura miscarii pentru eradicarea coruptiei din Romania
01/14/2014 - Printr-o scrisoare trimisa pe data de 13 ianuarie, 2014, "Illinois Romanian-American Community" s-a alaturat "demersului adresat oficialilor americani de a sprijini eradicarea coruptiei din Romania".Demersul in discutie a fost pornit pe data de
Secretarul de Stat american John Kerry

Sute de romani ii scriu lui John Kerry sa sprijine lupta anti-coruptie si statul de drept in Romania
01/09/2014 - pentru contact media: Pr. Chris Terhes cterhes@gmail.com +1-714-746-0623Sute de romani ii scriu Secretarului American John Kerry felicitandu-l ca a trimis-o pe Subsecretara Victoria Nuland in Romania sa "discute cu oficiali guvernamentali intarirea
Victoria Nuland

Emisar special american vine pentru 2 zile la Bucuresti pentru a discuta despre statul de drept
01/08/2014 - Victoria Nuland, subsecretar de stat american, vine in perioada 10-11 ianuarie la Bucuresti unde se va intalni cu "inalti oficiali guvernamentali romani si membri ai societatii civile pentru a discuta subiecte bilaterale si regionale, inclusiv
Deputatul Gheorghe Coman (PC), prins de DNA in timp ce lua mita

Peste 100 de romani-americani ii solicita lui Valeriu Zgonea sa se voteze de urgenta ridicarea imunitatii deputatului Gheorghe Coman
12/20/2013 - Coruptia parlamentarilor romani i-a scandalizat si pe romanii din Statele UniteIn dimineata zilei de 20 decembrie, peste 100 de romani-americani i-au adresat o scrisoare domnului Valeriu Zgonea, Presedintele Camerei Deputatilor, solicitandu-i s

Romanii-americani cer demisia politicienilor responsabili pentru votul din "martea neagra" si sustin Ambasada Americana. Scrisoare deschisa catre Ponta
12/17/2013 - Romanian Greek-Catholic AssociationContact: Pr. Chris Terhes, Presedintecterhes@gmail.com | +1-714-746-0623FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE:Un grup reprezentativ al romanilor-americani i-a trimis o scrisoare premierului Victor Ponta pe data de 17 decembrie pr
Biserica greco-catolica din Bogdan Voda, MM (wikipedia)

CEDO condamna Romania pentru ca de 15 ani legea nu se aplica pentru greco-catolicii din Bogdan Voda
11/25/2013 - Contact: Pr. Chris Terhes, Presedintecterhes@gmail.com | +1-714-746-0623FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE:Nov. 25, 2013 - Irvine, California - Curtea Europeana a Drepturilor Omului (CEDO) a condamnat pe data de 19 noiembrie 2013 Statul Roman pentru faptul ca d
Adrian Stef - candidat USL la Presedentia Consiliului Judetean Satu Mare (2012)

Greco-catolicii din Statele Unite ii cer socoteala presedintelui CJ Satu Mare, Adrian Stef, in legatura cu Manastirea Bixad
11/13/2013 - Intr-o scrisoare adresata lui Adrian Stef (PNL), Presedintele Consiliului Judetean Satu Mare, pe data de 13 noiembrie 2013, greco-catolicii din Statele Unite ii solicita acestuia clarificari publice in legatura cu afirmatiile facute in numele sau ca

Congressman Andy Harris fights for the rights of Catholics in Romania to worship freely in their confiscated churches
08/14/2013 - August 14, 2013 - Irvine, CA - Congressman Andy Harris (R-MD) recently started a bi-partisan initiative in Congress urging Secretary of State John Kerry to put more pressure on the Romanian government to return the religious properties confiscated du
Deputatul si vicepresedintele PDL Ioan Oltean

Greco-catolicii din Statele Unite ii cer lui Vasile Blaga sa-l retraga pe “extremistul si fundamentalistul” deputat PDL Ioan Oltean din comisia de revizuire a Constitutiei
06/14/2013 - 14 iunie, 2012 - Irvine, California - Intr-o scrisoare adresata presedintelui PDL Vasile Blaga pe data de 13 iunie, greco-catolicii din Statele Unite i-au cerut acestuia sa-l retraga pe deputatul Ioan Oltean din comisia de revizuire a Constitutiei pe
Secretary of State John Kerry releasing the 2012 International Religious Freedom Report

US State Deparmant - International Religious Freedom Report for 2012 - Romania
05/20/2013 - The 2012 International Religious Freedom Report about Romania was released on May 20, 2013 in Washington, DC. Most of the violations of religious freedom in Romania are against the Greek-Catholic community in the country. For an easier read,

Greco-catolicii din Statele Unite cer in continuare raspunsuri din partea deputatului PDL Ioan Oltean in legatura cu proiectul de lege anti greco-catolic pe care l-a initiat
05/27/2013 - In urma refuzului deputatului PDL Ioan Oltean de a raspunde la intrebarile care i-au fost adresate in legatura cu initierea proiectului de lege anti greco-catolic 253/2013, Romanian Greek-Catholic Association din Statele Unite i-a adresat o noua scri
Secretary of State John Kerry releasing the 2012 International Religious Freedom Report

Nou raport al Departamentului de Stat al SUA expune abuzurile contra comunitatii greco-catolice din Romania
05/20/2013 - Intr-un nou raport care relateaza starea libertatii religioase din Romania dat publicitatii pe data de 20 mai, Departamentul de Stat al SUA expune in termeni largi abuzurile, discriminarea, hartuirea, intimidarile, amenintarile si agresiunile pe ca

Greco-catolicii din Statele Unite iau pozitie fata de noul proiect de lege anti greco-catolic a lui Ioan Oltean (PDL)
05/19/2013 - Preotul Chris Terhes, presedinte al Romanian Greek-Catholic Association din Statele Unite, a adresat pe 19 mai o scrisoare deschisa deputatului si vicepresedintelui PDL Ioan Oltean prin care a condamnat noul proiect de lege 253/2013 initiat de catre

Congresul american ingrijorat de criza politica si democratica din Romania
07/27/2012 - Liderii grupului de prietenie cu Romania din Congresul American, Michael Turner (R-OH) si Loretta Sanchez (D-CA), au trimis pe data de 25 iulie o scrisoare Secretarei de Stat Hillary Clinton in care isi exprima “deosebita ingrijorare in legatura cu e
His Beatitude Daniel, Patriarch of the Romanian Orthodox Church

Orthodox Church Threatens the Catholic Minority in Romania
10/14/2009 - The religious tensions are on the rise in Romania in the context of a political crisis in the country caused by the collapse of the governing coalition two months prior to the presidential election that will take place on November 22. Using the “
Romanian Conference of Catholic Bishops - Satu-Mare 2009

Press Release: Romanian Conference of Catholic Bishops concerned about the cultural and religious cleansing promoted by the Orthodox Church
10/13/2009 - All the Catholic Bishops, Roman-Catholic and Greek-Catholic, from Romania took a stand against the religious hatred and the cultural and religious cleansing promoted by the Romanian Orthodox Church against the Greek-Catholics, also known as

Press Release: Political Crisis in Romania Threatens the Catholic Minority
10/08/2009 - The current political crisis in Romania is amplified by the Orthodox Church, the majority religious group in the country, which lobbies for a law to keep properties taken from Eastern Rite Catholics, who are a religious minority.
His Beatitude Lucian Muresan, Major Archbishop of the Romanian Greek-Catholic Church

Romanian Greek-Catholic Church responds to the intention of the Orthodox Church to lobby for legalization of the cultural and religious cleansing in Romania
10/05/2009 - The Romanian Greek-Catholic Church is concerned about the statement released by the Romanian Orthodox Patriarchy on September 29, 2009, which incites religious hatred and supports the process of cultural and religious cleansing that the Greek-Cat
The Greek-Catholic Church from Budesti - Susani

Romanian Greek-Catholic Parish Declines Romanian Government Compensatory Offer Of Lands That Belonged To Jewish Holocaust Victims
07/23/2009 - July 23, 2009 – LOS ANGELES, CA – Calling it a “scandalous and cynical act, reminiscent of the totalitarian era,” a spokesperson for the Romanian Greek-Catholic Association provided to reporters documents released by the Greek-Catholic Parish of

On The Remote Eastern Edge Of The EU Persecuted Romanian Catholics Still Wait In Desperate Isolation For Religious Freedoms As They Have For 61 Years
07/20/2009 - July 20, 2009 - Laguna Hills, CA - Father Chris Terhes, leading liaison appointed by the Romanian Greek-Catholic Church, appeals to the U.S. and all democratic countries in the world to help hundreds of thousands of Greek-Catholics in Roman
Sapanta - Destruction of the Greek-Catholic church despite a court order that mandates the stoppage of the church`s demolition

Greek-Catholics Ask U.S. Secretary of State Clinton and European Union to Help End Religious Cleansing in Romania
06/15/2009 - Greek-Catholics continue to suffer severe discrimination, and cultural and religious cleansing in Romania, despite the fall of communism 20 years ago. The Greek-Catholics are a religious minority in Romania, and the Romanian Greek-Catholic
Destruction of the Greek-Catholic church in Sapanta, Romania

Letter to all embassies from Romania whose countries are members of the European Union to help save the Greek-Catholic church in Sapanta
06/10/2009 - Re: The Romanian State is violating human rights and erasing the greek-catholic heritage from Sapanta, Maramures County, by refusing to apply a court order Dear Mr. Ambassador, I am Father Grigor Mihai and I am writing you on behalf of the
Mrs. Hillary Rodham Clinton, Secretary of State

Letter to Mrs. Hillary Rodham Clinton addressing the cultural and religious cleansing of the greek-catholic community in Romania
05/13/2009 - Dear Madame Secretary: Following your recent meeting with Cristian Diaconescu, Foreign Minister of Romania, I write to call your attention to the unconscionable discrimination against the Greek-Catholic community in Romania in clear violation of in
Court order

The court order that mandates the stoppage of the demolition of the greek-catholic church in Sapanta
04/23/2009 - RULES: Approve the demand of the presidential order issued by the plaintiff Sapanta Greek Catholic Parish, with headquarters in Sapanta no. 909, Maramures County opposing the defendant Sapanta Orthodox Parish, with headquarters in Sapanta no.
Most Rev. John Michael Botean, Bishop, Eparchy of St. George in Canton for the Romanians

Letter of Bishop John Michael Botean to the President and Prim-minister of Romania
02/05/2009 - I am writing about a matter of which you are already quite aware, namely the legislation now pending before Parliament known as PL 368/2007. I am the bishop of the Romanian Greek-Catholic Eparchy of St. George, whose see is located in Canton, Ohio,