Romanian Americans express support for the American Embassy in Romania - Open letter to Romanian Prime-minister Victor Ponta


After the members of the Romanian Parliament voted on December 10, 2013, to have super-immunity, becoming nearly impossible for authorities to investigate them for corruption, the US Embassy to Romania called the vote a "step backward for Romania" and a violation of "a basic tenet of democracy […] that all people are equal under the law".

After this reaction, the Romanian Prime-minister Victor Ponta attacked the US Embassy, stating that they should not be “lectured” by the Embassy.

As a result, leaders and members of the Romanian-American community sent the following letter to the Romanian Prime-Minister Victor Ponta taking the side of the US Embassy and also condemning that vote in the Romanian Parliament.

Romanian Americans express support for the American Embassy in Romania and demand the resignation of those responsible for voting on the "Black Tuesday": Open letter to Ponta

December 17, 2013

Mr. Victor Ponta,
Prime Minister of the Romanian Government and President of the Social Democratic Party

Dear Mr. Prime Minister,

We write in the name of several Romanians and Association of Romanians from the United States concerned about the direction of Romania and scandalized by the vote in the Chamber of Deputies on December 10th, when Social Liberal Union deputies voted for their own benefit a set of laws that give them a free pass to steal without the possibility of being held accountable.

The Embassies in Romania, the European Commission and the President of the Socialist Group in the European Parliament have rightly condemned this vote, saying that Romania has made a step backward. Such critical reactions toward Romania were made only on the occasion of the social unrest caused by the miners called by Mr. Iliescu.

You have to be concerned about the international reactions, because Romania has committed to comply with a set of rules specific to democratic states, and the vote in the Chamber of Deputies that took place on December 10th was a flagrant violation of those rules.

Nobody "challenges the right of the Parliament to make laws", as you stated in response to the reactions from the Embassies; everybody, instead, is challenging the laws made by the Parliament to protect the lawlessness of politicians. Through the vote on December 10th, the Parliament – the institution which should make just laws for everyone – has become an enclave of lawlessness and the villainous.

While the representatives of the National Liberal Party have expressed their regret for the vote, and the Democratic Liberal Party has suspended the three MPs present in Parliament who did not vote against those laws, we have not heard any Social Democratic Party leaders condemning the vote that protects the corrupt politicians.

Furthermore, from your position you have accused the US Embassy, saying: “I informed the Chargé d'Affaires that he should never reprimand us about anything, that at the moment it’s not the case to reprimand us. It is every good to consult with each other, but in regards to reprimandation nobody is reprimanding us anymore, not Moscow nor anybody else.”

Consultations take place between partners, and it is hard to believe that, for legalizing in Parliament the corruption of the politicians, Romania would find a civilized country whom to “consult” with.

The accusations that you’ve made against the United States Embassy in Bucharest, because it condemned in categorical terms the vote in the Parliament, disqualify you in the eyes of the Western partners and bring serious disadvantages to Romania.

We hope that you realize that the vote on December 10th and your statements have diminished the chances of Romania to be included soon in the Visa Waiver program, so that Romanians could travel to the United States without a visa.

The inclusion of Romania in the Visa Waiver program is done by Congress, and in light of what happened recently in Romania and of the statements you’ve made it is hard to believe that there will be enough members of Congress who believe that Romania will fulfill its commitments so it can be included in this program.

The US Embassy in Bucharest also represents us, the Romanian-Americans, and we totally subscribe with the criticism that the Embassy made regarding the laws voted on December 10th. We encourage the US Embassy as well as the other embassies and representatives of the civil society in Romania to condemn publicly any deviation from the rule of law in Romania.

We hope that the reaction you had in support of these laws was a slip, and from your position you will get involved to restore Romania’s position in the world after the fatidic vote on December 10th. Therefore, we demand from you:

1. The dismissal or resignation from leading positions in the Chamber of Deputies of all Social Democratic Party leaders who are responsible for the lack of transparency in which the laws from December 10th were voted on.

2. A new vote that will waive the immunity of all lawmakers under investigation by National Anti-Corruption Directorate or other prosecuting units. It is inadmissible that the lawmakers vote that the law does not apply in their case, thus covering each other.

3. The withdrawal of support for these controversial bills so they can be voted down.

It is unfortunate that, 24 years after the Romanians were mourning the dead killed by the bullets of the Communist tyrant because they wanted to live free, Romania is confronted now with the initiative of some politicians who want to make laws that will give them a free pass to steal and plunder. We do not believe that for such "ideals" so many people died in 1989.

For the memory and sacrifice of the heroes of the Revolution, you have a duty to restore the political decency in the Parliament and to correct the injustice act from December 10th.

"Unjust Laws are the worst form of tyranny." (Edmund Burke)

Father Chris Terhes – President of the Romanian Greek-Catholic Association
                      “St. John the Baptist” Greek Catholic Mission, Tustin, California
Father Calin Tamiian – “Saint Mary” Greek Catholic Church, Los Angeles
Father Dr. Petru Stinea – Greek Catholic community in Cleveland, Ohio
Father Gabriel Didita – Newburgh, Indiana
Radu Luchian – Director of Clipa Magazine, Anaheim, California
Vera Luchian – Clipa Magazine
Viorel Nicula – Director of “Miorita” Newspaper, Sacramento, California
          President of the Cultural Association "Miorita", Sacramento, California
Simona Botezan – Journalist, Washington, D.C.
Ady Simion – “Romani in Los Angeles” Organization
Dan Lupuleasa – President of the Romanian American Council
Neculai Popa – President of the Romanian World Council
Prof. Nicolae Dima, PhD – Arizona
Attorney Robert Cristea – Downey, California
Vasile Bouleanu – Chicago, Illinois
Alin Buna – Anaheim, California
Demostene Buna – Anaheim, California
Georgeta Buna – Anaheim, California
Georgiana Coman – Houston, Texas
Lore Giurgiu – Laguna Hills, California
Georgeta Bostean – Los Angeles, California
Mircea Bodea – Villa Park, California
Ioana Ciupe – Yorba Linda, California
Florin Mocan – Yorba Linda, California
Anca Longodor – Placentia, California
Ana Pop – Los Angeles, California
Nicolae Sirca – Reseda, California
Cristina Sirca –  Reseda, California
Elvira Opran – Anaheim, California
Delia Coman – Los Angeles, California
Doina Pintea – Los Angeles, California
Diana Deac – Orange, California
Iuliana C. – Los Angeles, California
Ruxandra Cartianu – San Diego, California
Mihai Jurcau – Denver, Colorado

The list of signatures is open here: