Over 10,000 Romanians from across the globe signed an on-line petition asking Secretary of State Kerry to put more pressure on the Romanian Government to respect the rule of law and to fight corruption in the country.
Romanian Greek-Catholic Association co-initiated the letter to Secretary Kerry, along with few other Romanian-American organizations. After the letter got the support of many other organizations and hundreds of Romanians, it was transformed in an on-line petition.
The petition can be signed here: http://www.petitionbuzz.com/petitions/nomorecorruptioninro
Here is the content of the letter to Secretary Kerry:
January 8, 2014
The Honorable John Kerry
Secretary of State
Department of State
2201 C St NW
Washington, DC 20521
Dear Mister Secretary:
We write you on behalf of many Romanian-Americans, as well as Romanians across the globe, to thank you for sending Assistant Secretary Victoria Nuland to Romania to discuss with senior government officials about strengthening the rule of law in the country.
The Romanian politicians attempted recently to breach the rule of law by voting immunity for themselves, so it would become virtually impossible for authorities to charge them for corruption. In addition, they tried to pass a law granting amnesty for the corrupt politicians currently being tried or already imprisoned. These attempts deeply concern all of us here and our family members back in Romania.
There are many examples in the world showing that no country can provide a good life and future for its people if it is led by a corrupt political class that wants to be above the law. Indeed, this is what a majority group of the Romanian politicians is trying to do.
We want a Romania where everybody is equal before the law regardless of that person’s social or political position.
Our communities share the same concerns as the State Department did about this new development in Romania and we fully support the position expressed by the US Embassy in Bucharest and to OSCE in this regard.
We urge you, therefore, to put even more pressure on the Romanian officials to respect the separation of powers, the rule of law, and the independence of the judiciary.
Thank you Mr. Secretary for your attention and for helping preserve the democracy in Romania.
Neculai Popa – President, World Romanian Council
Fr. Chris Terhes - President, Romanian Greek-Catholic Association
Marian Petruta - President, North American Romanian Press Association (NARPA)
Ady Simion – President, “Romani in Los Angeles”
Dan Lupuleasa – President, Romanian-American Council
Simona Botezan – "Miorita USA" Cultural Association, Sacramento, California
Simona Bonica - Romanian-American Network Inc. (NFP-NGO), Niles, IL
Dwight Luchian - Patton – Director Clipa Magazine, Anaheim, California
Vera Luchian - Patton – Editor Clipa Magazine
Viorel Nicula – Director “Miorita” USA Newspaper, Sacramento, California
Steven Bonica - Editor-in-chief, Romanian Tribune Newspaper, Chicago, IL
Petru Amarei - President, Romanian Television Network
Lucian Oprea - Publisher, Gandacul de Colorado Newspaper
Ioan Ciorba - Director, Romanian Times Newspaper, Portland, OR
Marius Marin - Director, Mesagerul Romanesc Newspaper, Portland, OR
Prof. Univ. Muscutariu, Ioan - Cleveland, Ohio
Prof. Dr. Nicholas Dima – Arizona
Prof. Diana Nicolae - New Jersey
Dr. Cristina Barba - Tustin, California
Dr. Alin Fumurescu - New Haven, CT
Dr. Luca Nicolae - New Jersey
Dr. Stela Nicolae - New Jersey
Andi Cristea – Attorney Downey, California
Fr. Calin Tamiian – "St. Mary" Greek-Catholic Church, Los Angeles
Fr. Dr. Petru Stinea – Greek-Catholic community, Cleveland, Ohio
Fr. Radu Titotean – Greek-Catholic community, New York
Fr. Gabriel Didita – Newburgh, Indiana
Fr. Michael Kirila - Mesa, Arizona
Hundreds of Romanians. The whole list can be seen here: http://www.petitionbuzz.com/petitions/nomorecorruptioninro