The following letter was sent to Valeriu Zgonea, the head of the Romanian Chamber of Deputies, urging him to put for vote the lifting of the parliamentarian immunity of a corrupt Deputy that was caught taking a bribe.
This letter comes after, on December 17, 2013, a group of leaders and members of the Romanian-American community sent a letter to the Romanian Prime-minister asking him to take a stand against those in the Parliament that voted to support corruption.
December 20, 2013
Camera Deputatilor
Palatul Parlamentului
str. Izvor nr. 2-4, sect. 5, Bucuresti
To Valeriu Zgonea
President of the Chamber of Deputies
Dear Mister President,
learned with stupefaction about another Deputy - George Coman (PC) -
suspected of serious corruption offenses, caught in the act on December
19th by DNA while taking a bribe, but that could not be presented before
the court for preventive detention because he has parliamentarian
We request you, therefore, to make all the necessary
arrangements that this case be discussed urgently by the Judiciary
Committee and, also, to put for vote in the Chamber of Deputies the
lifting of MP George Coman’s immunity so that he can be investigated
like any other citizen on whom there is evidence that he committed a
criminal act.
Even if the Parliamentarian’s Status provides, for
lifting the immunity, a period of 8 days until the vote on the floor (3
days for Judiciary Committee to draft the report and 5 days until the
vote on the floor), this is a maximal term which does not prevent the
legislators to vote on lifting the immunity of this deputy earlier, even
in the plenary from December 20th.
The presence in the
Parliament, at the beginning of the following year, of this deputy
caught red-handed for bribery would be another black mark on this
institution which has very low support among Romanians.
An urgent
vote to lift the immunity of MP George Coman is also necessary to
restore the external Romania’s credibility, especially after the Western
embassies accused in unison the vote from December 10th in the Chamber
of Deputies, when they wanted to amend the Criminal Code so that the
politicians would even harder be investigated for corruption. One of
those who voted for this amendment of the Criminal Code was also MP
George Coman.
We also ask that, in the plenary session when the
immunity of this deputy will be voted for lifting, to submit again to
vote the lifting of the immunity of all deputies who received requests
from the High Court of Cassation and Justice that they immunity be
lifted so their criminal investigation can start.
Nevertheless, we
ask you that the vote to lift the immunity of these members of the
Romanian Parliament be done electronically (openly), so we can know who
voted for and against the lifting of their immunity.
Fr. Chris Terhes - President, Romanian Greek-Catholic Association
"Sf. John the Baptist" Romanian Catholic Mission, Tustin, California
Fr. Calin Tamiian – "Sf. Mary" Romanian Greek-Catholic Church, Los Angeles
Fr. Dr. Petru Stinea – Greek-Catholic community Cleveland, Ohio
Fr. Radu Titotean - Greek-Catholic community New York
Fr. Gabriel Didita – Newburgh, Indiana
Dwight Luchian-Patton – Director Clipa Magazine, Anaheim, California
Vera Luchian-Patton – Editor Clipa Magazine
Viorel Nicula – Director Ziarul “Miorita”, Sacramento, California
Presedinte Asociatia Culturala “Miorita”, Sacramento, California
Ady Simion – “Romani in Los Angeles” association
Dan Lupuleasa – President, Romanian-American Council
Neculai Popa – Presedint, Worldwide Romanian Council
Prof. Univ. Muscutariu, Ioan - Cleveland, Ohio
Vasile Bouleanu – Chicago, IL
Eugen Moiescu – Chicago, IL
Adrian Gherman - Los Angeles
Agapia Coman - Skokie, IL
Alex Damian - California
Alex Zagrean - Ventura
Alexandru Barbu - U.S.A.
Alin Tatar - Anaheim, California
Ana Florea - Arizona
ana nistor - Seatle
Anca Longodor - Placentia
Aurica Mezei - Irvine, CA
Aurora Ehrman - Matyland, USA
Bianca Koenig - Northern Virginia
Bogdan Duma - Los Angeles
calin Vas - Irvine, CA
carmen terhes - irvine, ca
Catalin Florea - United States
daniel anghelcev - United States
Daniel Solomon - Denver
Daniela Ionescu - Los Angeles
Danny Suciu - Mission Hills
delia pintea - Santa Monica
Diana Deac - Orange
doina pintea - Los Angeles
dumi zele - Chicago
Dumitru Badescu - Los Angeles, CA, USA
dumitru caranfil - Los Angeles
dumitru talos - Seatle
elena popa - Los Angeles
emilia iusco - Seatle
gelu enache - houston, tx
Georgiana Coman - Houston
Gheorghe Bora - Chicago
Gheorhge Marina - Dallas, TX
Ghitea Ioan - Orange CA 92865
Gina Dobbs - Irvine, CA
Goergeta Fazecas - Florida
horatiu nan - Tustin, CA
Ioan Mezei - irvine, ca
ioana ciupe - yorba linda
ion anton - Los Angeles
Ionel Cerne - Washington,DC
Irina Juca - USA
Iuliana vargalui - USA
Jacob Duryea - Yorba Linda
Jenny Chis - Arizona
joe florea - Los Angeles
John Dumitrascu - Los Angeles
Justinian Matei - Los Angeles
LAVINIA pop - New york
Livia Marica - Norfolk, VA
liviu butura - New york
liviu cananau - Toronto canada
Lorena Gardner - Ohio
Luci Anghel - Oregon
Maria Bora - Chicago
Maria Nistor - Los Angeles
Miftode Rodica - Orange CA 92865
Mihaela Matei - Los Angeles
Mihaela Petra - Los Angeles
mihaela socaciu - Oregon
Mihai Jurcau - Denver, CO
Mihai Karol - NJ
mircea albu - NY
Mircea Bodea - Villa Park,Californi
mircea bogdan - Los Angeles
Mocean Cristian Leontin - Anaheim, California
Nico Antal - Costa Mesa, CA
nicolae iacob - Temecula, ca
Nicoleta Mitrache - New York
Oana Godeanu - United States
Oana singleton - Colorado springs, co
petre dan - Anaheim, California
Rodica Morris - Palm Springs,CA
Ruxandra Cartianu - California, USA
sabin irimie - USA
sabina stirb - Placentia
Sanda C. Bernazani - Lafayette. CA
Sebastian Corcodel - Las Vegas
Simona Pop - Utah
sorin podar - NY
Sorina Susu - Navo, Texas
Tavi Dragos - Los Angeles
Ted Socolan - WDC
terezia dan - Anaheim, California
Tibi Antal - Costa Mesa, CA
Tim Molnar - Fullerton, CA
vasile coman - Corona, CA
Vasile Gombos - Los Angeles
Vasile Lung - Riverside, CA
Victor Sandu - Sacramento
Viorica Ivanescu - Falls Church, Va
Viorica Moldovan - Tustin, CA
Virgil Trufasiu - Los Angeles
On-line signatures are gathered here: