State Department released on February 27, 2014, the 2013 Human Rights Report.
The main human rights violations concerning Romania include:
- Government corruption remained a widespread problem that affected all sections of society.
- Continued attempts by some political figures to compromise the independence of the judiciary.
The government failed to take effective action to return the Greek
Catholic churches confiscated by the former communist government.
- Personal and professional threats to journalists undermined media freedom.
The good news is that the judiciary took more steps to prosecute and punish officials who committed abuses.
2013 - Human Rights Report - Romania
is a constitutional republic with a democratic, multi-party,
parliamentary system. The bicameral parliament (Parlament) consists of
the Senate (Senat) and the Chamber of Deputies (Camera Deputatilor),
both elected by popular vote. In December 2012 the country held
parliamentary elections that observers generally considered were without
irregularities, and President Traian Basescu reappointed Victor Ponta
prime minister. Authorities maintained effective control over the
security forces. Security forces committed some human rights abuses.
human rights problems included police and gendarme mistreatment and
harassment of detainees and Roma, including the death of at least one
person at the hands of police. Government corruption remained a widespread problem that affected all sections of society.
Systematic societal discrimination against Roma affected their access
to adequate education, housing, health care, and employment
Other human rights problems reported during the year included poor prison conditions and continued attempts by some political figures to compromise the independence of the judiciary. The
government failed to take effective action to return the Greek Catholic
churches confiscated by the former communist government. Personal and professional threats to journalists undermined media freedom.
There were continued reports of violence and discrimination against
women. There were some anti-Semitic acts and statements, and media
continued to publish anti-Semitic articles. Anti-Semitic, racist,
xenophobic, and nationalistic views continued to be disseminated via the
internet. Government agencies provided inadequate assistance to persons
with disabilities and neglected persons with disabilities in
institutions. Societal discrimination against lesbian, gay, bisexual,
and transgender (LGBT) persons and individuals with HIV/AIDS,
particularly children, remained problems.
The judiciary took steps to prosecute and punish officials who committed abuses. Authorities repeatedly delayed lawsuits involving alleged police abuse, which in many cases resulted in acquittals.
Section 1. Respect for the Integrity of the Person, Including Freedom from:
a. Arbitrary or Unlawful Deprivation of Life
was at least one report that the government or its agents committed an
arbitrary or unlawful killing. On August 21, a police officer shot and
killed a man in the village of Tapu (Sibiu County). The police officer
claimed self-defense and that the 39-year old man had resisted
handcuffing and had threatened, and assaulted him. The Prosecutor’s
Office of the Sibiu Tribunal initiated a manslaughter investigation
against the police officer. The case remained pending at the end of
On June 12, the court of Salaj County rejected an
appeal, effectively upholding a prior ruling to cease the criminal
prosecution of a police officer, Dorin Mihai Baidoc, who killed a Romani
man suspected of theft in Pusta Vale, Salaj County, in July 2012.
b. Disappearance
There were no reports of politically motivated disappearances.
c. Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman, or Degrading Treatment or Punishment
constitution and law prohibit such practices, but there were reports
from NGOs and the media that police mistreated and abused prisoners,
pretrial detainees, Roma, and other citizens, primarily through use of
excessive force and beatings. Media reported such cases in Bucharest,
Oradea, Craiova, and other localities. In August a man was hospitalized
for injuries he stated he sustained from a beating by police officers of
Bucharest police precinct 10. The head of police precinct 10 started an
internal investigation. Reports of alleged beatings by police officers
of this precinct also appeared in the media in previous years.
Prison and Detention Center Conditions
conditions remained somewhat harsh and at times did not meet
international standards. The abuse of prisoners by authorities and other
prisoners reportedly continued to be a problem.
conditions: According to the National Administration of Penitentiaries
of the Ministry of Justice, as of October there were 33,279 persons,
including 1,518 women and 513 minors, in prison or juvenile detention
facilities in a system with a legal capacity (as of November) of 28,840
prisoners. According to the official figures overcrowding was a problem,
and in some prisons the standard of 43 square feet per prisoner
recommended by the CPT was not observed. Prisoners had access to potable
According to the NGO Association for the Defense of Human
Rights in Romania-the Helsinki Committee (APADOR-CH), after several
years during which overcrowding diminished the problem increased during
the year. APADOR-CH mentioned inadequate conditions in some prisons,
including insufficient medical care, poor food quality, mold in the
kitchen, and insufficient educational activities. APADOR-CH also
criticized the lack of procedure for the continuation of adequate
treatment for former drug addicts with substitute substances. The NGO
stated that most police pretrial detention facilities had inadequate
conditions: They were in the basement, and had no natural light or
sanitary installations. The NGO’s visit in September to the police
pretrial detention facility in Cluj revealed such poor conditions. There
were no activities for the detainees, food quality was inadequate, and
medical care was a problem. For example, in Bucharest there were only
two doctors for all 12 police pretrial detention facilities. According
to media and NGO reports, prisoners at times assaulted and abused their
fellow inmates. On January 23, four prisoners at the maximum-security
prison in Iasi started a fight, allegedly over protection fees. Two of
the prisoners died from their injuries. Authorities charged the other
two prisoners with aggravated murder in May.
On July 30, the
European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) decided that the government should
pay moral compensation amounting to 5,500 euro ($7,440) to Mircea
Dumitrescu, who, paralyzed since childhood, was subjected to inhumane
and degrading treatment in prison between May 2009 and August 2011. His
complaint cited overcrowding, poor hygiene, and the absence of
facilities for persons with disabilities.
Administration: There
were no reports of inadequate recordkeeping on prisoners. The law
provides for alternatives to prison for nonviolent offenders, including
suspended sentences, sentences executed at the workplace, or penal
fines. According to human rights NGOs, authorities made some progress in
implementing the four detention regimes: closed, semiclosed, semiopen,
and open. Prisoners assigned to semiopen and open regimes reportedly
benefited from placement in the type of prison appropriate to their
sentence, although APADOR-CH stated that, because of this focus on
regime-specialized prisons, authorities placed some prisoners in prisons
far from their hometowns. This policy was particularly a problem for
female prisoners because of the existence of fewer regime-specialized
facilities for women. There was no independent ombudsman to handle
prisoner complaints. A judge-delegate handled prisoner complaints in
each prison. The prisoners had access to visitors. The regulations allow
all religious groups unrestricted access to prisoners, who were
permitted religious observance. Prisoners could submit complaints to
judicial authorities without censorship.
Independent Monitoring:
The government permitted monitoring visits by independent human rights
observers, and such visits occurred during the year.
The government continued efforts, including through partnerships with
NGOs, to alleviate harsh conditions; improve the condition of detention
rooms; provide more daily activities, training courses, and educational
programs; and deter the spread of HIV and tuberculosis. After visiting
the prison for minors in Tichilesti in July, APADOR-CH noted improved
heating capacities, better food quality, and no overcrowding.
d. Arbitrary Arrest or Detention
The constitution and law prohibit arbitrary arrest and detention, and the government generally respected these prohibitions.
Role of the Police and Security Apparatus
Ministry of Internal Affairs is responsible for the General
Inspectorate of the Romanian Police; the gendarmerie; the border police;
the Department of Intelligence and Internal Protection (DIPI), which
oversees the collection of intelligence on organized crime and
corruption; and the Directorate General for Anticorruption, as well as
several agencies without security responsibilities. The prime minister
appoints the head of the DIPI. The General Inspectorate of the Romanian
Police is divided into functional directorates and 42 regional
directorates for each county and the city of Bucharest. The Romanian
Intelligence Service (SRI), the domestic security service, investigates
terrorism and national security issues. Parliament appoints the SRI
director at the proposal of the president. The SRI submits annual
activity reports to parliament, which has a standing committee for SRI
oversight. Internal disciplinary councils at the work location of the
accused officers handle complaints of police misconduct.
Arrest Procedures and Treatment of Detainees
law provides that only judges may issue detention and search warrants,
and the government generally respected this. The law requires
authorities to inform detainees at the time of arrest of the charges
against them and their legal rights, including that they have the right
to remain silent and the right to an attorney. Police must notify
detainees of their rights in a language they understand before obtaining
a statement. Authorities must bring detainees before a court within 24
hours of arrest. Although authorities generally respected these
requirements, there were some reports of abuses during the year. The law
provides for pretrial release at the discretion of the court. A bail
system also exists but was seldom used. Detainees have the right to
counsel and in most cases had prompt access to a lawyer of their choice.
Authorities provided indigent detainees legal counsel at public
expense. The arresting officer is also responsible for contacting the
detainee’s lawyer or, alternatively, the local bar association to
arrange for a lawyer. The detainee has the right to meet privately with
counsel before the first police interview. The lawyer may be present
during the interview or interrogation. Detainees also had prompt access
to their families.
The law allows police to take into custody,
without a warrant, any person who endangers the public or other
individuals, or disrupts public order. There were allegations that
police often used this provision to hold persons for up to 24 hours.
Since those held in such cases were not formally detained or arrested,
authorities considered that their right to counsel did not apply.
APADOR-CH criticized this provision as leaving room for abuse.
Detention: A judge may order pretrial detention for periods of up to 30
days, depending on the status of the case. While a court may extend
this period in 30-day increments, total pretrial detention may not
exceed 180 days. Under the law courts and prosecutors may be held liable
for unjustifiable, illegal, or abusive measures. According to human
rights NGOs, in many cases authorities automatically extend pretrial
detention, even if the original arrest reasons no longer exist.
e. Denial of Fair Public Trial
The constitution provides for an independent judiciary, and the government generally respected judicial independence.
European Commission report on the Cooperation and Verification
Mechanism (CVM) made public in January noted that Romania “has
implemented several, but not all, of the Commission’s recommendations
aiming at restoring rule of law and the independence of the judiciary. While the Constitution and the Constitutional Court’s role and decisions have been respected, commitments
regarding the protection of the judiciary against attacks, the stepping
down of ministers with integrity rulings against them and the
resignation of members of parliament with final decisions on
incompatibility and conflict of interest, or with final convictions for
high-level corruption have not been fully implemented.” The European
Commission also mentioned “the need to accelerate progress on its
recommendations of the reform of the judiciary, integrity, and the fight
against corruption.”
The CSM generally maintained the
transparency of its operations and acted more promptly to suspend judges
and prosecutors under suspicion of legal violations. The speed of
high-level corruption trials increased.
Trial Procedures
The constitution and the law provide for the right to a fair trial, and an independent judiciary generally enforced this right.
the law defendants enjoy the right to the presumption of innocence,
have the right to be informed promptly and in detail of the charges
against them, and the right to free linguistic interpretation if
necessary. Under the law trials are open to the public and are to be
held without undue delay, but in many cases delays occurred because of
the heavy caseload or procedural inconsistencies. The law does not
provide for trial by jury. Defendants have the right to be present at
trial. The law provides for the right to counsel and the right to
consult an attorney in a timely manner. The law requires that the
government provide an attorney to juveniles in criminal cases; the
Ministry of Justice paid local bar associations to provide attorneys to
indigent clients. Defendants may confront or question witnesses against
them (unless witnesses are undercover agents), present witnesses and
evidence on their own behalf, and have a court-appointed interpreter.
Defendants and their attorneys do not have access to the prosecution
evidence relevant to their cases in the first stage of the
investigation; later they have access to such information, but not
always to the entire file. Both prosecutors and defendants have a right
of appeal. Defendants cannot be compelled to testify against themselves,
but have the legal right to abstain from making a statement, with no
negative legal consequence. If they do make statements, the law provides
that their statements can be used against them.
Political Prisoners and Detainees
There were no reports of political prisoners or detainees.
Civil Judicial Procedures and Remedies
courts are independent and function in every jurisdiction. Judicial and
administrative remedies are available to individuals and organizations
for violations of human rights by government agencies. Plaintiffs may
appeal adverse judgments involving alleged violations of human rights by
the state to the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) after exhausting
the avenues of appeal in the domestic courts.
Litigants sometimes
encountered difficulties enforcing civil verdicts because the
procedures for enforcing court orders were impractical and caused
Regional Human Rights Court Decisions
the year the ECHR issued numerous judgments against the government for
violations of one or more rights under the European Convention on Human
Property Restitution
April parliament passed new legislation for restituting property seized
by the former communist and fascist regimes. The law, now in effect,
creates a new “points” system that compensates claimants for whom
restitution of the original property is not possible with points (one
point for each leu of property value) that can be used later to bid in
auctions of state-owned property or in exchange for monetary
compensation. In July the National Property Restitution Authority issued
the first decisions of compensation in points of almost 13 million
points in some of the 80,000 restitution cases that are still pending.
owners’ associations, the Greek Catholic Church, the Jewish community,
and civil society opponents of the new law said that implementing it would further delay restitution
and that the provisions of the new law disproportionately advantage the
government and current occupants at the expense of the rightful owners.
were numerous disputes over church buildings and property that the
Orthodox Church did not return to the Greek Catholic Church in violation
of valid court orders to do so.
f. Arbitrary Interference with Privacy, Family, Home, or Correspondence
the constitution and the law prohibit such actions, there were credible
reports that authorities engaged in electronic eavesdropping in
violation of these prohibitions.
The law permits the use of
electronic eavesdropping in both criminal and national security cases.
Under the criminal code, the investigating prosecutor must first obtain a
warrant from a judge. In exceptional circumstances, when delays in
getting the warrant would seriously affect a criminal investigation,
prosecutors may begin interception without a judicial warrant, but they
must then submit a request within 48 hours for retroactive
authorization. When there is a threat to national security, the national
security law permits prosecutors to authorize the issuance of a warrant
for an initial period of six months, which can be extended indefinitely
in three-month increments without judicial approval. Some human rights
NGOs noted the contradiction between the two laws with regard to the
requirement for judicial approval of wiretaps.
Section 2. Respect for Civil Liberties, Including:
a. Freedom of Speech and Press
constitution provides for freedom of speech and press, and the
government generally respected these rights. An independent press,
largely independent judiciary, and a functioning democratic political
system combined to promote freedom of speech and press.
Freedom of
Speech: Insulting the state insignia (the coat of arms, national flag,
or national anthem) is an offense punishable by imprisonment. Such laws
restricting freedom of speech continued to cause concern among the media
and NGOs.
The law also forbids acts of “religious defamation” and
“public offense to religious symbols.” The law also prohibits public
denial of the Holocaust; bans fascist, racist, and xenophobic
organizations and symbols; forbids the celebration or commemoration of
individuals who commit crimes against peace and mankind; and forbids the
promotion of fascist, racist, and xenophobic ideologies.
Press Freedoms:
While the independent media were active and expressed a wide variety of
views without overt restriction, politicians and persons with close
ties to politicians and political groups either owned or indirectly
controlled numerous media outlets at the national and local levels. The
news and editorial tone of these outlets frequently reflected the views
of the owners. There were also allegations that owners suppressed
stories at odds with their interests or threatened the authors of such
Violence and Harassment:
During the year politicians and citizens sometimes insulted or harassed
journalists. For example, on January 13, Deputy George Becali of the
National Liberal Party (PNL) insulted Realitatea TV host Marinela
Mititel, calling her “crazy” for asking why he had not publicly
disclosed information regarding his wealth. Two days later, Becali
called her “impertinent” and claimed “she deserved it,” asserting that a
woman should expect to be insulted if she gets into a dispute with a
Censorship or Content Restrictions:
On April 3, Craiova Mayor Lia Olguta Vasilescu removed local
independent daily Gazeta de Sud from city hall’s media distribution
list. Gazeta de Sud claimed the mayor instituted this policy because the
daily had criticized the mayor and investigated businesses run by city
hall. Gazeta de Sud continued to cover the Craiova mayor and government
and submitted a request under the law on free access to public
information but did not receive a response. In July the city hall issued
a press release claiming the daily was “instigating citizens to
revolt.” The Center for Independent Journalism expressed concern about
the statements issued by city hall.
Libel Laws/National Security:
Although the country decriminalized libel and insult in 2006, on April
29 the Constitutional Court ruled that insult and libel should be
considered criminal offenses and punished with fines unless a legitimate
interest is demonstrated. Media NGOs said the ruling would affect
freedom of expression.
Nongovernmental Impact:
On May 16, Mircea Marian, a political analyst and reporter with daily
Evenimentul Zilei, was threatened and punched by Mihai Voicu, a
self-proclaimed 1989 revolutionary, who disagreed with Marian’s
antigovernment and anti-Social-Liberal Union commentary. This was the
second time Voicu had threatened Marian. Voicu called Marian a “kike”
and shouted at him to “stop lying” on television. Although Marian was
not injured, Voicu continued to attack Marian verbally in the presence
of police officers who did not intervene. It was not until Marian
publicized the incident on Facebook that police provided Marian with the
name of his assailant and advised him to file a complaint. The police
initiated criminal proceedings but dropped the charges.
Internet Freedom
were no government restrictions on access to the internet or credible
reports that the government monitored e-mail or internet chat rooms
without appropriate legal authority. According to International
Telecommunication Union statistics, approximately 46 percent of the
country’s population used the internet.
Academic Freedom and Cultural Events
were no government restrictions on cultural events. There were,
however, instances of government restrictions on academic freedom.
2012 the government appointed a new director for the Institute for
Investigating Communist Crimes (IICCMER), a government institution that
researches communist-era abuses in Romania. In March eight researchers
signed a letter alleging IICCMER’s leadership failed to respect the
academic freedom of its researchers. In October employees reported that
40 percent of the institute staff was fired or forced to resign.
Employees claimed leadership blocked research.
b. Freedom of Peaceful Assembly and Association
Freedom of Assembly
constitution and law provide for freedom of assembly, and the
government generally respected this right. The law provides that unarmed
citizens may assemble peacefully but also stipulates that meetings must
not interfere with other economic or social activities and may not be
held near such locations as hospitals, airports, or military
installations. Organizers of public assemblies must request permits in
writing three days in advance from the mayor’s office of the locality
where the gathering would occur. The government generally approved
requests for permits.
Freedom of Association
constitution and the law provide for freedom of association, and the
government generally respected this right. The law prohibits fascist,
communist, racist, or xenophobic ideologies, organizations, and symbols
(such as statues of war criminals on public land). Political parties are
required to have at least 25,000 members to have legal status.
c. Freedom of Religion
See the Department of State’s International Religious Freedom Report at (see here the 2012 International Religious Freedom Report about Romania)
d. Freedom of Movement, Internally Displaced Persons, Protection of Refugees, and Stateless Persons
constitution and law provide for freedom of internal movement, foreign
travel, emigration, and repatriation. The government generally respected
these rights. The government cooperated with the Office of the UN High
Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) and other humanitarian organizations
in providing protection and assistance to refugees (including persons
with subsidiary protection), asylum seekers, stateless persons, and
other persons of concern.
Protection of Refugees
Access to
Asylum: The law provides for granting access to asylum procedure to all
persons in need of international protection and provides for two forms
of international protection: refugee status and subsidiary protection
with rights similar to the ones of Romanian citizens except for
political rights. The law on asylum, based on EU legislation, prohibits
the expulsion, extradition, or forced return of any asylum seeker at the
country’s border or from within the country’s territory and excludes
from granting international protections to aliens and stateless persons
who planned, facilitated, or participated in terrorist activities as
defined by international instruments to which the country is a party.
accommodated asylum seekers in open reception centers. The government
runs a 100-bed reception center in Giurgiu, a 320-bed center in
Bucharest, a 250-bed center in Galati, a 100-bed center in Somcuta Mare,
and a 100-bed center in Radauti. The UNHCR, International Organization
for Migration, and the government operate a 250-bed emergency transit
center in Timisoara.
The aliens’ law regulates the regime of
aliens and stateless persons in the country except for those applying
for asylum and those benefitting from a form of protection. Authorities
take aliens who no longer have a right to stay in the country into
public custody (administrative detention) pending removal from Romanian
territory. The government runs a 100-bed detention center in Otopeni and
a 50-bed center in Arad.
Safe Country of Origin/Transit: The law
provides for the concept of safe countries of origin, and asylum seekers
coming from such countries have their asylum applications processed in
an accelerated procedure. The government considered EU member states
safe countries of origin, as are other countries that meet the following
criteria: the number of asylum applicants granted protection;
observance of human rights; observance of democratic principles,
political pluralism, and free elections; and the existence of
operational democratic institutions to monitor human rights. According
to the UNHCR, there were no reports of rejection of asylum applications
based on these provisions.
Refoulement: The government provided
protection against the expulsion or return of refugees to countries
where their lives or freedom would be threatened based on their race,
religion, nationality, membership in a particular social group, or
political opinion.
Employment: The aliens’ law provides for access
to the labor market for foreigners with “tolerated” status. The aliens’
law provides for access to the labor market for foreigners with
“tolerated” stay status. The asylum seekers’ right to work is only
granted if: (a) they have an application for asylum that has been in
progress for at least one year; or (b) they are granted refugee status
or some other form of protection in the meantime.
Access to Basic
Services: While conditions improved somewhat from previous years,
according to the UNHCR the reception conditions for asylum-seekers
needed improvement, especially an increase of the financial allowance
and provision of basic services and assistance. Persons with a form of
protection still faced difficulties accessing public housing, vocational
training adapted to their specific needs, counseling programs, and
information for citizenship interviews. The social, psychological, and
medical assistance (especially for victims of trauma and torture) for
asylum seekers was still insufficient.
Durable Solutions: A government decision stipulated the relocation of 20 persons per year in 2012 and 2013.
Section 3. Respect for Political Rights: The Right of Citizens to Change Their Government
law provides citizens with the right to change their government
peacefully, and citizens exercised this right through periodic, free,
and mostly fair elections based on universal suffrage.
Elections and Political Participation
Elections: The country held national parliamentary elections in
December 2012, which observers said had some irregularities but judged
them generally free and fair.
Political Parties: The law requires
political parties to register with the Bucharest Tribunal and to submit
their statutes, program, and a roster of at least 25,000 signatures.
Among these 25,000 “founding members” must be individuals from at least
18 counties, including Bucharest, with a minimum of 700 persons from
each county. The party’s statutes and program must not include ideas
that incite war; discrimination; hatred of a national, racist, or
religious nature; or territorial separatism.
representing ethnic minorities may also field candidates in elections.
If the minorities in question are “national minorities,” defined as
those ethnic groups represented in the Council of National Minorities,
their organizations must meet requirements similar to those for
political parties. The law sets more stringent requirements for
organizations representing minorities not represented in parliament than
for those representing minority groups already represented in
parliament. They must provide the Central Electoral Bureau with a list
of members equal to at least 15 percent of the total number of persons
belonging to that ethnic group as determined by the most recent census.
If 15 percent of the ethnic group amounts to more than 20,000 persons,
the organization must submit a list with at least 20,000 names
distributed among a minimum of 15 counties plus the city of Bucharest,
with no fewer than 300 persons from each county.
Participation of
Women and Minorities: While the law does not restrict women’s
participation in government or politics, societal attitudes presented a
significant barrier. There were 55 women in the 409-seat Chamber of
Deputies and 12 women in the 175-seat Senate, two of the nine justices
on the Constitutional Court were women, and 11 of 33 of the country’s
delegation to the European Parliament were women. At the end of the
year, there were six women in the 28-member cabinet and three female
prefects (governors appointed by the central government) for the 42
Under the constitution each recognized ethnic minority
is entitled to have one representative in the Chamber of Deputies, even
if the minority’s organization cannot obtain the 5 percent of the vote
needed to elect a deputy outright. This entitlement is qualified,
however, by the requirement that the organization receive votes equal to
10 percent of the nationwide average number of votes necessary for a
deputy to be elected. Organizations representing 18 minority groups
received deputies under this provision in the 2012 elections. There were
45 minority members in parliament, nine in the Senate and 36 in the
Chamber of Deputies.
Ethnic Hungarians, represented by the
Democratic Union of Hungarians in Romania umbrella party, were the sole
ethnic minority to gain parliamentary representation by passing the
5-percent threshold. Only one Romani organization, the Roma Party-Pro
Europe, was represented in parliament with one member. Low Romani voter
turnout likely resulted from a lack of awareness, inability to
demonstrate an established domicile, and/or lack of identity documents.
Section 4. Corruption and Lack of Transparency in Government
the law provides criminal penalties for corruption by officials, the
government did not implement the law effectively, largely because of
problems within the judicial branch, and officials sometimes engaged in
corrupt practices with impunity. The World Bank’s corruption indicators highlighted corruption as a problem.
In 2007, as part of the country’s agreement on accession to the EU, the
European Commission established the CVM to monitor the country’s
progress in reforming the judicial branch and fighting corruption.
The National Anti-Corruption Directorate (DNA) continued its
investigation of medium- and high-level corruption cases at a steady
pace throughout the year. They included political, judicial, and
administrative officials. By October 15, the DNA sent to court 768 indicted defendants,
including: one vice prime minister, one member of the European
Parliament, five members of the national parliament, one former minister
and current member of the European Parliament, 11 judges including one
member of the Superior Council of Magistrates, nine prosecutors
including one member of the CSM, 17 mayors and five vice mayors, three
county council chairs and one vice chair, one national chairman of a
political party, one former president and four other officials of the
local tax authority, three customs inspectors, 31 police officers, 14
high-ranking officers with the National Defense Ministry, one president
of the Romanian soccer federation, and one president of the professional
soccer league. Prosecutors ordered seizures of assets worth approximately 1.1 billion lei ($340 million) in the indicted defendants’ cases.
As of mid-October, courts had issued 179 final convictions against 857
defendants in DNA cases, compared to 552 defendants with final
convictions over the same period in 2012. Defendants with final
convictions included two members of parliament, two ministers, one
deputy minister, one county council chair, two political party chairs,
11 mayors and two vice mayors, four National Defense Ministry officers,
27 police officials, five judges (including two judges with the High
Court of Cassation and Justice), and five prosecutors (of whom one had
been working in the Prosecutor General’s office).
acquittal rate as calculated until mid-October was 7.9 percent, compared
to 10.1 percent in 2012. Out of the 205 DNA cases in which courts
handed out final rulings, 151 cases that accounted for 73 percent of the
total were solved in less than four years; 23 cases that amounted to 11
percent were solved in less than five years; the remaining 31 cases
that accounted for 15 percent took five to 10 years to reach final
The High Court
of Cassation and Justice significantly increased the pace of high-level
corruption trials compared with previous years. Verdicts in
corruption offenses were often inconsistent. The number of convictions
in corruption cases increased during the year.
Police corruption contributed to citizens’ lack of respect for police and a corresponding disregard for police authority.
Low salaries and the absence of incentives and bonuses led to personnel
shortages and contributed to the susceptibility of individual law
enforcement officials to bribery. Authorities referred instances of
high-level corruption to the Directorate General for Anticorruption
(DGA) within the Ministry of Internal Affairs, which continued to
publicize its anticorruption telephone hotline to generate prosecutorial
leads for corruption within the police force. Cooperation between the
DGA and other law enforcers, primarily the DNA, resulted in the
initiation of criminal investigations in 576 criminal cases in 2012, an
18-percent increase over the previous year.
Conflicts of
interest, respect for standards of ethical conduct, and integrity in
public office in general remained a concern for all three branches of
government. As of July the cap for no-bid public procurement contracts
was raised from 67,200 lei to 134,400 lei ($20,300 to $40,600) for
products and services, and from 67,200 lei to 448,000 lei ($20,300 to
$135,000) for public works. Individual executive agencies were slow in
enforcing sanctions, and agencies’ own inspection bodies were generally
Whistleblower Protection: The “whistleblower” law
applies only to government and similar public agencies employees and
provides legal protection to whistleblowers for disclosure of crimes
such as corruption, crimes against the financial interests, against the
EU, embezzlement, illegal public acquisitions, political recruiting and
hiring, abusive use of human or material resources, crimes against free
access to information, and decisional transparency. The whistleblower
may choose to disclose to a wide range of persons and agencies: direct
supervisors, directors of the agency, parliament committees, media,
trade unions, or NGOs, alternately or collectively. There is no special
law to protect whistleblowers in the private sector. Romania has legal
provisions pertaining to one’s mandatory disclosure of criminal offences
if they become aware of such offense. Some grey area may occur in terms
of the confidentiality clauses provided by some companies.
Disclosure: The law empowers the National Integrity Agency to
administer and audit financial disclosure statements for all public
officials and to monitor conflicts of interest. The law stipulates that
the National Integrity Agency can identify “significant discrepancies”
amounting to more than 45,000 lei, ($13,500) between an official’s
income and his assets and allows for the seizure and forfeiture of these
“unjustified assets.” The mechanism for confiscation of “unjustified
assets” was cumbersome.
Public Access to Information: Although the
law provides for public access to government information related to
official decision making, human rights NGOs and the media reported that
the government applied the law inadequately and unevenly. Procedures for
releasing information were arduous and varied greatly by public
institution. Many agencies did not make public the annual performance
reports required by law. NGOs and journalists regularly continued to sue
in court to gain access to official government information. The
government infrequently observed existing law on transparency in
governmental decision making. The national cabinet established a
Department for Online Service and Design that is responsible for
coordinating the implementation of the Open Government Partnership (OGP)
action plan for Romania. There are 17 national ministries involved in
the OGP process, yet progress has been uneven.
Although the
intelligence services transferred the majority of the files of the
communist-era Securitate intelligence service to the National College
for the Study of the Securitate Archives, the powers of the college
remained limited because the law does not permit it to issue binding
verdicts on individuals’ past records as Securitate collaborators. The
Institute for Investigating Communist Crimes and the Memory of the
Romanian Exile, however, received the power to initiate criminal
investigations for communist-era crimes discovered through its research.
At the request of the institute, in August the prosecutor general’s
office started criminal investigations against communist-era prison
Section 5. Governmental Attitude Regarding International and Nongovernmental Investigation of Alleged Violations of Human Rights
number of domestic and international human rights groups generally
operated without government restriction, investigating and publishing
their findings on human rights cases. Government officials generally
were cooperative and responsive to their views.
Government Human
Rights Bodies: The Office of the Ombudsman had limited power and no
authority to protect citizens’ constitutional rights in cases requiring
judicial action. The office handled 4,876 complaints during the first
six months of the year.
Each chamber of parliament has a human
rights committee. Their task is to draft reports on bills that pertain
to human rights. The members of these committees usually expressed the
views of their political parties, rather than addressing the problems
The National Council for Combating Discrimination
(CNCD) is an independent governmental agency under parliamentary
control. By September 1, the CNCD handled 670 public complaints of
discrimination, of which 48 involved alleged discrimination based on
nationality, nine based on sexual orientation, and five on religious
grounds. During the same period, the CNCD handled 45 complaints
regarding discrimination against Roma. The CNCD operated with the
government’s cooperation and, for the most part, without government or
party interference. Neither the CNCD nor the Office of the Ombudsman
received adequate resources, although both enjoyed public trust.
Observers generally regarded the CNCD as effective, while most observers
regarded the Office of the Ombudsman as less so. Both the CNCD and the
Ombudsman’s Office issued yearly activity reports.
Section 6. Discrimination, Societal Abuses, and Trafficking in Persons
law forbids discrimination based on race, gender, disability,
ethnicity, nationality, language, religion, social status, beliefs,
sexual orientation, age, noncontagious chronic disease, HIV infection,
or belonging to an underprivileged category, or on any criteria that aim
at restricting human rights and fundamental freedoms. The government
did not enforce these prohibitions effectively, and women, as well as
Roma and other minorities, often were subjected to discrimination and
Rape and Domestic Violence:
Rape, including spousal rape, is illegal. The law provides for three to
10 years’ imprisonment for rape; the sentence increases to five to 18
years if there are aggravated circumstances. The successful prosecution
of rape cases was difficult because the law requires a medical
certificate in rape cases and, as in all criminal cases, requires either
the active cooperation of the victim or a third-party witness to the
crime. Police and prosecutors cannot pursue a case on their own, even
with independent physical evidence. Consequently, a rapist could avoid
punishment if the victim withdrew the complaint.
According to
police statistics, during the first 11 months of 2012, there were 697
reported cases of rape and 440 persons sent to trial for this offense.
Statistics for 2013 were not available at time of publication.
against women, including spousal abuse, continued to be a serious
problem, according to NGOs and other sources. The government did not
effectively address it. The law prohibits domestic violence and allows
police intervention in such cases. It provides for the issuance of
restraining orders upon the victim’s request and for the payment by the
abuser of some expenses, such as medical and trial expenses, or the cost
of the victim’s accommodation in a shelter. While the law imposes
stronger sanctions for violent offenses committed against family members
than for similar offenses committed against others, the courts
prosecuted very few cases of domestic abuse. Many cases were resolved
before or during trial when alleged victims dropped their charges or
reconciled with the alleged abusers. In cases with strong evidence of
physical abuse, the court can prohibit the abusive spouse from returning
home. The law also permits police to penalize spouses with fines of 100
lei to 3,000 lei ($30 to $915) for various abusive acts. During 2012,
1,857 persons reported being victims of domestic violence, and
authorities sent 440 persons to trial for domestic violence.
the end of 2012, 59 government and privately run shelters for victims of
abuse provided free accommodation and food, assistance, and counseling;
23 other centers provided support and counseling. The centers were too
few and unevenly distributed, and some parts of the country lacked any
kind of assistance. During 2012 the Directorate for Child Protection
(DPC) in the Ministry of Labor, Family, and Social Protection, in
partnership with NGOs, implemented programs to prevent and curb domestic
violence and to provide better conditions for domestic violence
Sexual Harassment: The law prohibits sexual harassment.
Penalties vary significantly depending on whether the act is criminal or
not and range from fines between 400 lei and 8,000 lei ($122 to $2,440)
to imprisonment for three months to two years. Although the problem
existed, public awareness of it continued to be low. No effective
programs existed to educate the public about sexual harassment.
Rights: Couples and individuals had the right to decide on the number,
spacing, and timing of children and had the information and means to do
so free from discrimination, coercion, and violence. Some women,
especially Roma, had difficulty accessing reproductive health services
for various reasons including lack of information, ethnic
discrimination, lack of health insurance, and poverty.
Under the law women and men enjoy equal rights, including under family
law, labor law, property law, and inheritance law. The government did
not enforce these provisions, and authorities did not devote significant
attention or resources to women’s problems. Women occupied few
influential positions in the private sector, and differences between the
salaries of women and men continued to exist in most sectors of the
economy. According to Eurostat, the salary gap between men and women was
12 percent in 2011.
While the law provides female employees
reentering the workforce after maternity leave the right to return to
their previous or a similar job, pregnant women and other women of
childbearing age could still suffer unacknowledged discrimination in the
labor market.
Birth registration: Children derive
citizenship by birth from at least one citizen parent. Although birth
registration is mandatory under the law, it was not universal, and
authorities denied some children public services as a result. The most
common reason that children were not registered at birth was that
parents did not declare the child’s birth to authorities, sometimes
because the parents lacked identity documents or residence papers, or
because the birth took place abroad in countries where parents were
present illegally. Most such children had access to schools, and
authorities assisted in obtaining birth documents for unregistered
children, but the education of unregistered children depended on the
decision of school authorities. Undocumented children also faced
difficulties in gaining access to health care. This was a particular
problem among the Romani population, but also occurred in other
Education: There were reports that the government
effectively segregated Romani children from non-Romani students and
subjected Romani children to discriminatory treatment (see section 6,
National/Racial/Ethnic Minorities).
Child Abuse: Child abuse and
neglect continued to be serious problems, and public awareness remained
poor. The media reported several severe cases of abuse or neglect in
family homes, foster care, and child welfare institutions. According to
the DPC, during the first six months of the year, child welfare services
identified 5,956 cases of child abuse, of which 545 involved physical
abuse; 719 emotional abuse; 347 sexual abuse; 115 work exploitation; 31
sexual exploitation; 35 exploitation to commit criminal offenses; and
4,164 neglect. Of the reported cases, 2,852 were for boys and 3,104 were
girls. Most cases of abuse, 5,566, occurred in the family.
The government has not established a mechanism to identify and treat abused and neglected children and their families.
and Early Marriage: The legal age of marriage is 18 for both boys and
girls, however, the law permits girls as young as 15 to marry in certain
circumstances. Illegal child marriage was reportedly common within
certain social groups, particularly the Roma. There were no statistical
data regarding the extent of the practice, although the media
occasionally reported on individual cases. There were no public policies
to prevent child marriages or government institutions that dealt with
the problem.
Sexual Exploitation of Children: The criminal code
stipulates three- to 10-year prison sentences for sexual acts with
minors under 15 years of age, the age of consent. The display, selling,
dissemination, renting, distribution, and production of child
pornography is punishable by five to 10 years in prison and, if coercion
is used, by 15 to 20 years in prison.
Displaced Children:
According to the DPC, in 2012 there were approximately 900 homeless
children nationwide. NGOs working with homeless children believed there
were actually two or three times that number.
Children: According to the Ministry of Labor, Family, Social Protection,
and the Elderly (Ministry of Labor) there were 62,955 children in the
special protection system at the end of June. Of them 38,709 were in
family-type care (i.e., professional foster care, relatives, other
families, persons), 1,714 in alternative care (with a guardian), and
22,532 in public or private residential care.
There were also
reports that some personnel in state institutions mistreated abandoned
children with physical disabilities and subjected children in state
orphanages to lengthy incarceration as punishment for misbehavior.
the first six months of the year, according to official statistics,
parents abandoned 711 children in maternity wards or other hospitals.
NGOs claimed that the official statistics underestimated the problem,
and that the government never officially recognized many children living
in state institutions as abandoned.
International Child
Abductions: The country is a party to the 1980 Hague Convention on the
Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction. For information see the
Department of State’s annual report on compliance at,
as well as country-specific information at
According to the 2011 census, the Jewish population numbered 3,271. Acts of anti-Semitism occurred.
law prohibits public denial of the Holocaust and includes the
oppression of Roma as well as Jews in its definition of Holocaust. There
were no prosecutions under the statute during the year.
organizations occasionally held high-profile public events with
anti-Semitic themes and sponsored events, including religious services,
symposia, and marches, commemorating leaders of the pre-World War II
fascist, xenophobic, and racist Legionnaire Movement, such as Horia Sima
and Corneliu Zelea Codreanu. Such events took place in Tiganesti (Ilfov
County), Fetea (Mures County), Ploiesti, and Bucharest.
December 5, a Romanian public broadcaster, TVR3 Verde, aired an
anti-Semitic Christmas carol. The song, sung by the Dor Transilvan
ensemble, celebrated the Holocaust, repeatedly used a slur to refer to
Jews, and said that all that Jews are good for is to make smoke through a
chimney. The National Audiovisual Council fined TVR3 50,000 lei
($15,250) for the Christmas carol, one of the largest fines it has
On February 14, during the launch of the Encyclopedia of
the Communist Regime at the Romanian Academy, Romanian historian
Vladimir Iliescu, a professor at the University of Aachen, claimed that
the Holocaust had occurred only in Germany and Hungary and that while in
Romania Jews had been persecuted, there was no Holocaust. The audience
welcomed the speech with applause. The event generated indignation in
academic circles, and among prominent figures and NGOs, including
Transparency International and Pro-Democracy, which sent critical
letters to the President of the Romanian Academy, Ion Haiduc, urging him
to disassociate himself firmly from Iliescu’s false and irresponsible
According to NGOs some local and municipal governments
occasionally honored Legionnaire members or permitted memorials to
pro-Nazi historical figures. The local council in Baia Sprie (Maramures
County) granted honorary citizenship to a Holocaust denier.
Center for Monitoring Anti-Semitism in Romania (MCA Romania) repeatedly
warned that anti-Semitic, racist, xenophobic, and nationalistic views
and material glorifying the former Legionnaire leaders and the
Legionnaire Movement were promoted in the media (mainly on the radio)
and distributed via the internet. Media sources linked to extremist
organizations published anti-Semitic articles. Organizations with
extreme right-wing views also republished inflammatory books from the
interwar period. MCA Romania urged the prosecutor general’s office to
investigate public Radio Romania Cultural for having “promoted the image
of the Legionnaire Movement and Ion Antonescu as entities that had no
connection with anti-Semitism and crimes against Jews,” during a radio
program on August 17. In a letter to the president of Radio Romania
Cultural, the Wiesel Institute criticized the messages of a public radio
program, which “are blatantly contrary to history,” and called for
adequate measures to be taken. The Wiesel Institute also asked the
National Audiovisual Council to take measures against the public radio.
The public radio company expressed regret in a communique and distanced
itself from the statements made by the program’s producer.
response to a May 2012 request by the Wiesel Institute, the Prosecutor’s
Office to the Bucharest Tribunal asked for a ban on the All for the
Country party because of its fascist-type doctrine and its use of
symbols originating from the Legionnaire Movement. On June 20, the
Bucharest court rejected the ban.
The government continued to
implement the recommendations of the International Commission on the
Holocaust in Romania (Wiesel Commission) Report and to promote Holocaust
education in school curricula. The Ministry of National Education (MEN)
provided written materials and maintained a website with a guide for
teaching about the Holocaust designed to assist teachers nationwide. In
October the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum signed a five-year
agreement with the MEN and the Wiesel Institute regarding Holocaust
education and research. Schools nationwide commemorated National
Holocaust Remembrance Day, October 9.
The government continued to
make progress in its effort to expand education on the history of the
Holocaust in the country. Holocaust history was included in the seventh,
ninth, 11th, and 12th grades. During the 2012-13 school year, 106 high
schools offered the optional course “History of the Jews--The
Holocaust.” The MEN sponsored national and international seminars on
teaching Holocaust history and provided additional educational resources
to help combat anti-Semitism. In May the government, in cooperation
with the Yad Vashem Institute and the International School for Holocaust
Studies, organized Holocaust education seminars for history teachers in
Bucharest, Bacau, and Brasov. In October the MEN, the Wiesel Institute,
the Memorial Library and Art Collection of Second World War Society
(New York), and the Association for Eastern Europe Studies agreed to
organize a national school competition, “The Memory of Holocaust,”
during the 2013-14 school year. High-level officials made public
statements against extremism, anti-Semitism, xenophobia, and Holocaust
Trafficking in Persons
See the Department of State’s Trafficking in Persons Report at
Persons with Disabilities
law prohibits discrimination against persons with physical, sensory,
intellectual, and mental disabilities in employment, education,
transportation (without specifying air travel), access to health care,
and the provision of other services. The government did not fully
implement the law, and discrimination against persons with disabilities
remained a problem.
In many cases persons with disabilities
faced institutional and societal discrimination. According to a report
drafted by the EU’s Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA), publicized in
June 2012, only 1 percent of persons with mental disabilities had
employment. The FRA report also indicated that persons with mental
disabilities in institutional settings, in particular children, were
subjected to various forms of bullying, harassment, and abuse. According
to an EU-funded survey, published in 2012 by the government in
partnership with several NGOs, 87 percent of respondents viewed
discrimination (broadly understood) as one of the major problems faced
by persons with disabilities.
The law mandates accessibility for
persons with disabilities to buildings and public transportation. While
the number of buildings with facilities for persons with disabilities
continued to increase during the year, the country still had had an
insufficient number of facilities specifically designed to accommodate
persons with disabilities, and persons with disabilities could have
extreme difficulty navigating city streets or gaining access to public
According to the Ministry of Labor, Family, and Social
Protection, 700,736 persons with disabilities were registered at the end
of June, of whom only 29,184 were employed. At the end of June, there
were 387 public social assistance institutions for adults with
disabilities, coordinated by the Ministry of Labor. At the end of March
there were 61,063 children with disabilities registered with the DPC.
January the Doctors’ College started an investigation after images
taken with a hidden camera in the pediatric ward in the Buzau county
hospital showing children tied to their beds were broadcast by a private
television station. The investigative commission concluded that,
although it was legal to tie patients with psychiatric problems to their
beds, there were a series of irregularities; for example, there was no
book used by doctors to record the grounds for tying the children or the
time and duration of the proceedings. The government dismissed the head
of the pediatric ward and the head nurse.
Multiple NGOs reported
being refused access to some state-run institutions for persons with
mental disabilities, such as Gheorghe Serban Center in Bucharest, in
order to provide independent monitoring, which raised questions about
the persons’ living conditions and the observance of their rights.
According to human rights NGOs, there was no system to ensure that
government-run institutions for children with mental disabilities
observed the rights of children in their care.
A 2012 FRA report
on involuntary placement and treatment of persons with mental
disabilities revealed that, despite the provisions of the law, most
respondents stated that authorities did not consider their opinion, were
not asked to give their consent for admission, and did not receive
information about the procedure. The medical staff did not “distinguish
between consent to admission and consent to drug treatment,” and did not
inform them of their “right to request a second medical opinion.”
Directorate General for the Protection of Persons with Disabilities in
the Ministry of Labor coordinates at the central level the activities of
special protection and advocacy for the rights of persons with
disabilities, drafts policies, strategies, and standards in field of
rights of persons with disabilities, and follows the implementation of
National/Racial/Ethnic Minorities
against Roma continued to be a major problem. Observers estimated that
there were between 1.8 and 2.5 million Roma in the country, constituting
approximately 10 percent of the total population. According to the most
recent official census of 2011, there are 621,573 Roma, or 3.1 percent
of the population.
Romani groups complained that police brutality,
including beatings, and harassment were routine. Both domestic and
international media and observers widely reported societal
discrimination against Roma. NGOs reported that Roma were denied access
to, or refused service in, many public places. Roma also experienced
poor access to government services, a shortage of employment
opportunities, high rates of school attrition, inadequate health care,
and pervasive discrimination. A lack of identity documents excluded Roma
from participating in elections, receiving social benefits, accessing
health insurance, securing property documents, and participating in the
labor market. Roma were disproportionately unemployed or underemployed. A
study regarding the inclusion of Roma, conducted in 2012 by Impreuna
Agency, a Romani rights NGO, and made public in June, revealed that
Romani children have a higher school dropout rate than non-Romani
children, Roma have a higher unemployment rate and a lower life
expectancy, and similar migration rates as non-Roma.
and discriminatory language regarding Roma were widespread. Journalists
and several senior government officials, including the president, the
prime minister, the mayor of Targu Mures, and others, made statements
that were viewed as discriminatory by members of the Romani community;
the CNCD fined some individuals as a result. Anti-Romani banners,
chants, and songs, particularly at large televised sporting events, were
prevalent and widespread. Discriminatory ads continued to appear in
written publications and on the internet.
According to media
reports, evictions of Roma continued in Baia Mare, Constanta, Craiova,
Pitesti, Bucharest, and other localities during the year. In August the
mayor of Baia Mare, Catalin Chereches, resumed the eviction of Roma from
the Craica neighborhood, which began in 2012. On August 2, 30 Romani
families received police notifications to leave the area by August 5. On
August 5, bulldozers demolished 15 houses that the mayor argued had
been built without any permits. Authorities offered the evicted Roma the
opportunity to stay in shelters overnight, but not permanent housing.
and the media reported that discrimination by teachers and other
students against Romani students was a disincentive for Romani children
to complete their studies. Despite an order by the Ministry of Education
forbidding segregation of Romani students, there were anecdotal reports
of school officials placing Romani children in the back of classrooms,
teachers ignoring Romani students, and unimpeded bullying of Romani
students by other schoolchildren. In some communities authorities placed
Romani students in separate classrooms or even in separate schools.
observers noted Romani women faced both gender and ethnic
discrimination. Romani women often lacked the training, marketable
skills, or relevant work experience to participate in the formal
On June 18, President Basescu stated that, considering
the decreasing birth rate, the country’s population would reach 15
million in 2030, the ethnic structure would change because the Romani
minority had a high birth rate, and increasing the birth rate
represented a mission for ethnic non-Romani women. In reaction the human
rights NGOs the Romani Center for Social Intervention and Studies
(Romani CRISS) and the Center for Legal Resources stated in an open
letter to Basescu that his statements were offensive to both Romani and
non-Romani Romanian women, stressing that Basescu’s approach to the
birth rate problem was chauvinistic, misogynistic, and discriminatory.
On July 3, the CNCD Board expressed disapproval of Basescu’s remarks,
noting that they included negative stereotypes regarding Romani women
and the role of women in society. It decided unanimously, however, that
the statement did not represent a discriminatory act and was within the
limits of the freedom of expression.
In January an extremist group
based in Timisoara, the Autonomous Nationalists, offered on their
website 300 lei ($92) “to each Gypsy woman in the Banat area” who
underwent voluntary sterilization. Romani CRISS, MCA Romania, and the
Wiesel Institute condemned the revival of extremism and underscored that
this proposal represented a serious threat to democratic society. In
February the leader of the National Liberal Youth organization of Alba
County, Rares Buglea, proposed the sterilization of Romani women on his
Facebook page. Faced with vehement criticism, Buglea resigned from the
National Liberal Party.
The National Agency for Roma is tasked
with coordinating public policies for Roma. Romani NGOs, however,
criticized the scope of this agency’s responsibilities, noting that they
are too broad and often overlap with the activities of other government
bodies. Within the General Inspectorate of the Romanian Police, an
advisory board is responsible for managing the relationship between
police and the Romani community. To improve relations with the Romani
community, police continued to use Romani mediators to facilitate
communication between Roma and authorities and to assist in crises.
to the most recent census conducted in 2011, ethnic Hungarians were the
country’s largest ethnic minority with a population of approximately
1.227 million.
At the beginning of the year, the prefect of
Covasna County (a county approximately 75 percent ethnically Hungarian)
asked ethnic Hungarian mayors in the county to remove from state
institutions the regional Szekler flag, which the county council had
adopted as the county’s flag in 2009. Street protests followed the
prefect’s request. In June the Court of Appeals in Brasov annulled the
county council’s 2009 adoption of the Szekler flag, rendering the use of
the regional flag illegal. The decision is not subject to appeal.
to a preliminary report about the situation of ethnic Hungarian rights
in Covasna County made public by the Democratic Union of Hungarians in
Romania (UDMR) in June, ethnic Hungarians faced significant
discrimination, despite protective provisions of the law. The types of
discrimination cited by the UDMR included: not being permitted to use
Hungarian in courts and other state institutions; inability to access
medicinal drug information in Hungarian; discrimination in education
with respect to lingual and cultural curriculum; all personal documents,
IDs, and official mail provided only in the Romanian language;
anti-Hungarian media campaigns; and legal attacks against the free
display of community symbols.
In July the UDMR filed a complaint
with the CNCD against the Romanian Agency to Ensure the Quality of
Higher Education, which distributed a letter stating that resident
doctors have to speak only Romanian with their patients. The UDMR stated
that the requirement negatively affected quality of care for ethnic
Hungarian patients and inhibited practical training of ethnic Hungarian
In the region of Moldavia, the Roman Catholic,
Hungarian-speaking Csango minority continued to operate
government-funded Hungarian-language classes. The Association of Csango
Hungarians in Romania sponsored daily educational activities in the
Hungarian language in 25 localities. In some other localities,
authorities denied requests for Hungarian-language classes.
Societal Abuses, Discrimination, and Acts of Violence Based on Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity
law prohibits discrimination based on sexual orientation. NGOs reported
that police abuse and societal discrimination against LGBT persons were
common and that open hostility prevented the reporting of some
harassment and discrimination. Members of the LGBT community continued
to voice concerns about discrimination in public education and the
health care system.
On February 20, members of ultra-Orthodox,
nationalist groups, including “Militia Spirituala,” disrupted an LGBT
History Month showing of the film The Kids Are Alright organized by
ACCEPT, an NGO promoting LGBT rights. Law enforcement officers did not
intervene despite being present at the theater entrance. No assaults or
injuries occurred. Radical journalist Victor Roncea characterized it as a
successful protest against LGBT propaganda. ActiveWatch, a human rights
NGO, condemned the incident and authorities’ lack of reaction. The CNCD
also publicly condemned the incident. On September 18, the CNCD fined
two NGOs (the Alliance of Families in Romania Association and Provita
Association for Born and Unborn) 1,000 lei ($305) each for having
displayed banners inciting LGBT discrimination at the event.
April, when asked to comment on a proposal by USL deputy Remus Cernea
regarding civil unions for same sex partners, PNL Senate Leader Puiu
Hasotti stated that he considers LGBT persons only “some sick people,”
adding that homosexuality is an unnatural thing. The CNCD decided that
the statements were within the limits of the freedom of expression.
Church leaders proposed an amendment to the constitutional reform
committee in parliament, to change the legal definition of marriage from
“a union between spouses” to “a union between a man and a woman.” The
proposal, which was ultimately defeated, generated a wave of antigay
declarations by politicians, such as President Basescu, Foreign Minister
Titus Corlatean, PNL Senator Alexandru Baisanu, and PDL Deputy Raluca
Turcan, as well as by high-ranking clergy, such as Orthodox Metropolitan
of Transylvania Laurentiu Streza. Amnesty International and the CNCD
criticized the proposed amendment.
On June 8, approximately 400
persons participated in the gay pride parade in Bucharest, which
transpired without incidents. Prior to the pride parade approximately
100 persons took part in a “normalcy march,” sponsored by a right
extreme party, the New Right, to protest against homosexuality.
Other Societal Violence or Discrimination
under the law HIV-infected persons have the right to confidentiality
and to adequate treatment, authorities rarely enforced the law, and
discrimination against persons with HIV/AIDS impeded access to routine
medical and dental care. Breaches of confidentiality involving
individuals’ HIV status were common and rarely punished.
noted authorities’ failure to protect children with HIV/AIDS from
widespread discrimination, abuse, and neglect. Some doctors reportedly
refused to treat children and youths with HIV/AIDS. Medical personnel,
school officials, and government employees did not always maintain the
confidentiality of information about infected children.
More than
half of HIV-infected adolescents were sexually active; they frequently
experienced reduced access to facilities for reproductive health care
and the prevention of HIV and sexually transmitted infections. The
government provided access to antiretroviral therapy; however, stigma
and discrimination against persons with HIV/AIDS frequently impeded
their access to education, other medical care, government services, and
According to official statistics, 12,119 patients
diagnosed with HIV and AIDS were registered as of September with 600 new
cases reported between January and September. Societal discrimination
against persons with HIV/AIDS occurred, and many persons with the
disease dropped out of school due to stigmatization, discrimination, or
disease. HIV-positive women reported to the Euroregional Center for
Public Initiatives (ECPI) in 2012 that they had difficulty accessing
maternal health care in maternity hospitals due to discrimination by
medical personnel. They asserted they experienced degrading treatment,
breaches of confidentiality, segregation, and denial of cesarean
sections. The ECPI noted that the medical staffs of obstetrics and
gynecology units did not appear to understand and apply the Ministry of
Health’s clinical guidelines for the management of pregnancy in
HIV-positive women. The center received information that some hospitals
automatically tested pregnant women for HIV prior to giving birth
without informed consent and prior counseling, although HIV testing is
voluntary under the law.
Promotion of Acts of Discrimination
the year government officials made statements that contributed to
ethnic stereotyping of Roma (see section 6, National/Racial/Ethnic
Section 7. Worker Rights
a. Freedom of Association and the Right to Collective Bargaining
law allows workers to form and join independent labor unions without
prior authorization, and workers freely exercised this right. Employees
of the Ministry of National Defense, certain categories civilian
employees of the Ministry of Interior and the Ministry of Justice,
judges, prosecutors, and intelligence personnel, did not have the right
to unionize. The law permits worker strikes with the exception of
certain public sector workers who also are not allowed to form unions.
Lengthy and cumbersome requirements made it difficult to hold strikes
Although the law permits strikes by most workers, lengthy
and cumbersome requirements made it difficult to hold strikes legally.
Unions may strike only if all arbitration efforts have failed and unions
give employers 48 hours’ notice. Strikes are permitted only in defense
of workers’ economic interests, and compulsory arbitration is required
after 20 days. The law provides no legal basis for national umbrella
collective labor contracts. The law provides for employers and unions to
negotiate collective bargaining agreements at “lower levels” (local),
although the law had not defined these levels by year’s end. Employers
do not need to consult with unions on such problems as granting
employees leave without pay or reducing the workweek due to economic
The law does not effectively protect against antiunion
discrimination because there are no accompanying sanctions for such
discrimination. Some union representatives alleged that, due to
extensive legal loopholes, enforcement remained minimal, in particular
in small and medium sized private businesses. Under the law union
leaders may be fired for reasons related to their professional
performance as an employee.
On the enforcement side, unions also
complained that they must submit their grievances to
government-sponsored arbitration before initiating a strike and that the
courts had a propensity to declare strikes illegal. Companies may claim
damages from strike organizers if a court deems a strike illegal.
unions continue to raise concerns pertaining to the division of trade
union assets, lengthy procedures for registering trade unions and
modifying union statutes or executive committees, and excessive control
of trade union finances. Discrepancies between national law and
international labor standards on freedom of association exist, including
those pertaining to the scope of application of the law on certain
categories of workers, eligibility conditions for trade union officials
and restrictions of trade union activities. Unions continued to express
concern about excessive political influence at workplaces in public
institutions. The alleged interference included appointment of managers
for political reasons and instances where politically connected managers
received prior information about supposedly unannounced labor
The government generally respected the right of
association, and union officials stated that registration requirements
stipulated by law were complicated but generally reasonable. Unions
objected to the requirement that they submit lists of prospective union
members with their registration application. Since employers also had
access to this list, union officials feared that this could lead to
reprisals against individual unionized employees, hindering the
formation of new unions.
b. Prohibition of Forced or Compulsory Labor
law prohibits all forms of forced or compulsory labor, and the
government effectively enforced the law. Nevertheless, there were
reports that such practices continued to occur. Organized rings, often
involving family members, forced persons, primarily Romani women and
children, as well as women and children from Moldova, to engage in
begging and petty theft.
Also see the Department of State’s Trafficking in Persons Report at
c. Prohibition of Child Labor and Minimum Age for Employment
minimum age for most forms of employment is 16, but children may work
with the consent of parents or guardians at age 15. The law prohibits
minors from working in hazardous conditions, provides a basis for the
elimination of hazardous work for children, includes a list of dangerous
jobs, and specifies penalties for offenders. Parents whose children
carry out hazardous activities are required to attend parental education
programs or counseling and can be fined between 100 lei ($30) and 1,000
lei ($305) for failure to do so. Persons who employ children for
hazardous tasks can be fined 500 lei ($152) to 1,500 lei ($458).
over the age of 15 who are enrolled in school are also prohibited from
performing specified activities that might endanger their health,
morality, or safety. Children under the age of 16 who work have the
right to continue their education, and the law obliges employers to
assist in this regard. Children between age 15 and 18 may only work six
hours per day and no more than 30 hours per week, provided their school
attendance is not affected, but many children reportedly did not attend
school while working. Minors may not work overtime or during the night
and have the right to an additional three days of annual leave.
law requires schools to notify social services immediately if children
miss class to work. Social services have the responsibility to
reintegrate such children into the educational system. Due to lack of
funding, the government did not conduct information campaigns to raise
awareness of child labor and children’s rights among children, potential
employers, school officials, and the general public.
The Ministry
of Labor can impose fines and close factories where it finds
exploitation of child labor, but enforcement of all but extreme
violations tended to be lax. In previous years employers found to have
violated child labor laws were generally required to pay the 500 lei
($152) to 1,500 lei ($458) fine, but not prosecuted in court. For the
first six months of the year, official statistics revealed that 88 cases
of violating the child labor law were still under investigation and 18
cases sent to court for sentencing.
Child labor, including
begging, selling trinkets on the street, and washing windshields,
remained widespread in Romani communities, especially in urban areas.
Children as young as five engaged in such activities.
Directorate for Child Protection (DPC) in the Ministry of Labor is
responsible for monitoring and coordinating all programs for the
prevention and elimination of the worst forms of child labor.
to statistics issued by the DPC, for the first six months of the year,
there were 181 confirmed cases of child labor. Out of this total, 97
cases were in urban areas and 84 cases in rural ones; 82 cases involved
girls and 99 boys; 109 of the children were below 14 years of age, and
72 were between age 14 and 18. The confirmed cases were for bonded labor
(115 cases), sexual exploitation (31 cases), and exploitation for
committing criminal activities (35 cases).
d. Acceptable Conditions of Work
in January the gross minimum wage was 750 lei ($229), which was then
subsequently raised to 800 lei ($244) on July 1 for a full-time schedule
of 169.333 hours per month, or approximately 4.72 lei ($1.44) per hour.
The minimum wage for skilled workers was 20 percent higher. According
to Eurostat the monthly individual income level for persons “at risk of
poverty threshold” was 907 lei ($277) in 2010. The law provides for
equal pay for equal work.
The law provides for a standard workweek
of 40 hours or five days. Workers are entitled to overtime pay for
weekend or holiday work or work in excess of 40 hours, which may not
exceed 48 hours per week, averaged for the month. The law requires a
24-hour rest period in the workweek, although most workers received two
days off per week. The law also allows employers to shorten employees’
work schedules from five to four days per week with a corresponding
reduction in salary if workplace activity is reduced for economic or
technical reasons. Excessive overtime can lead to fines on employers if
workers file a complaint, but complaints were rare. The law prohibits
compulsory overtime.
The law gives employers wide discretion
regarding performance-based evaluation of employees. The law permits
lengthier trial periods for new employees and simplifies termination
procedures during this probationary period.
The law provides for
temporary and seasonal work and sets penalties for work performed
without a labor contract in either the formal or the informal sector of
the economy. Employers who use illegal labor may be jailed or fined up
to 100,000 lei ($30,506). The maximum duration of a temporary contract
is 24 months and can be extended successively as long as the total
contract length does not exceed 36 months, in accordance with EU law.
Ministry of Labor is responsible for enforcing the law on working
conditions, safety, and minimum wage rates. According to union reports,
many employers paid supplemental salaries under the table to reduce both
the employees’ and the employers’ tax burdens. This practice negatively
affects employees’ future pensions and their ability to obtain credit
from banks and other lenders. During the year approximately one quarter
of all employees received only the minimum wage.
While the
ministry believed it effectively enforced working time standards, union
leaders complained that overtime violations were the main problem facing
their members, since employees were often required to work more than
the legal maximum number of hours, and the overtime compensation
required by law was not always paid. This practice was especially
prevalent in the textile, banking and finance, and construction sectors.
Union officials alleged that a majority of on-the-job accidents
occurred during such compulsory, uncompensated overtime. During the year
the government enforced prohibition on work without a labor contract
weakly, in part because of corruption within the labor inspectorate and
also because both employers and employees could benefit from lower taxes
by working without a labor contract or by receiving a supplemental
salary under the table. Authorities rarely fully enforced sanctions
against employers using illegal labor under the previous law.
Previously, the country had an estimated 1,500 labor inspectors at the
national level though the union representatives believed this number has
been reduced in recent years due to budget cuts.
The ministry
is responsible for establishing and enforcing safety standards for most
industries but lacked trained personnel to do so effectively. Employers
often ignored the ministry’s recommendations, which usually were
implemented only after an accident occurred.
In the first six
months of the year, the Ministry of Labor reported that there were 1,063
workplace accidents and 66 fatalities. The industries affected were
food industry, construction, coal mining, auto industry, timber
industry, and retail. Of these accidents 23.26 percent occurred in the
capital, Bucharest.